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Customized Payment Solutions with man.png

Payment Focused is a team of experienced and ethical payment professionals that serve the independent business community. We exist to improve how businesses get paid and we believe that independently owned businesses create healthier communities as they typically take better care of employees and are more connected to the customers they serve. We’re proud to support local businesses and real people working hard to provide quality products and services.

Vision Statement: 

Make a positive impact in the business community by providing valuable solutions combined with quality support to create lasting relationships and alignment with the clients we serve.

Mission Statement:

​To empower every business to thrive by making it easier to collect payments.


Treat others as we would like to be treated and always do the right thing

The Golden Rule:​


We’re here to support you and we won’t stop working until you have the perfect solution for your business and the customers you serve


Our business structure is based on full alignment with you and your business. Payment Focused only earns revenue when a business uses our services to process payments. If your business isn’t processing payments then we don’t get paid. We want to help you generate more revenue and therefore we have a vested interest in your success and if you aren’t able to accept payments we’re here to help get you back on track. We don’t have any start up or cancellation fees so we only succeed if you succeed. Let’s grow together!

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