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Business to Business payment processing for companies of all sizes 


Automated interchange optimization is a technology-driven strategy used by payment processors to help businesses save money on credit card processing fees. The interchange fee is a percentage of the transaction value paid by merchants to the card-issuing banks and card networks for processing credit and debit card transactions. Here's how automated interchange optimization can contribute to cost savings:

  1. Dynamic Assessment of Card Types: Automated interchange optimization systems continually analyze the various types of cards used by customers, such as rewards cards, corporate cards, debit cards, etc. Each card type is associated with a different interchange rate set by card networks like Visa, Mastercard, and others.

  2. Transaction Routing: Based on the analysis of card types, the system automatically routes transactions through the most cost-effective payment network. For example, if a customer uses a debit card, which typically has lower interchange fees, the system routes the transaction through a network that offers lower costs for debit transactions.

  3. Real-Time Decision-Making: Automated interchange optimization occurs in real-time during the authorization process. The system assesses the type of card being used and makes instant decisions on the most cost-efficient routing for the transaction. This dynamic approach allows businesses to take advantage of the best available rates for each transaction.

  4. Maximizing Qualification for Lower Interchange Rates: Certain criteria, such as providing additional transaction data (Level 2 or Level 3 data) for business-to-business transactions, can qualify a transaction for lower interchange rates. Automated systems ensure that businesses meet the necessary criteria to qualify for these lower rates, further reducing processing costs.

  5. Adaptability to Changing Regulations: Interchange rates can change due to updates in card network regulations. Automated interchange optimization systems adapt to these changes, ensuring that businesses always benefit from the most current and advantageous pricing structures.

  6. Cost Reduction without Manual Intervention: Automated interchange optimization eliminates the need for manual intervention in the routing decision-making process. This reduces the potential for human error and ensures efficiency in securing the best interchange rates for each transaction.

By leveraging automated interchange optimization, businesses can significantly reduce their credit card processing fees over time. This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses with a high volume of credit card transactions and those dealing with various card types. It optimizes the routing of transactions to minimize interchange fees, ultimately contributing to cost savings and improved profitability for the business.

Interchange Optimization More Info

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