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Easy payments for increased profits

Omni-Channel is a term used in ecommerce and retail to describe a business strategy that aims to provide a seamless shopping experience across all channels, including in store, mobile, and online.

That could mean providing a consumer the same inventory, pricing, and promotions across all channels, or it could mean providing a unique experience depending on how customers choose to interact with your brand.


For example, you might have a website, an app, and a physical store, and you want each of those experiences to be consistent with the others. You might also want customers to be able to switch between channels without encountering any roadblocks. A consumer can start browsing online and choose to pick up the item in store. Once in store, the associate could suggest additional items to complement the online purchase to increase the average order value.

Furthermore, businesses that adopt an omnichannel approach often do so in order to provide a better customer experience. Research indicates that omnichannel consumers are the most loyal and profitable for a retailer.

Consumers today are more connected than ever before, and they expect businesses to meet them where they are. You're more likely to build loyalty and keep customers coming back if you can provide a consistent, seamless experience across all channels.


What is Omni-Channel?

If you've been keeping up with the latest ecommerce trends and retail consumer research, you may have heard the term "omnichannel." But what does that mean, exactly?

Omnichannel commerce is a strategy that aims to deliver a consistent experience for customers over several channels. In fact, it is so effective that all of the major players in retail are using it.

Want to see how Omni-Channel payments can modernize your business?

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